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Your Right to Choose any Glass Shop!

Beware of Illegal Insurance Steering - Know Your Rights!

When you call a 1-800 number for glass replacement you are likely talking to a 'billing network'.....not your insurance company directly! When these networks assign work without giving the consumer their options, or to their chosen shop, this is an illegal practice called insurance 'steering' and it is a very real problem for consumers.

Always remember - you have a choice! You may be told that the glass shop you have selected is not an 'approved shop' and that our work 'may not be fully guaranteed'. This is not true.

Call center personnel may act like they have never heard of your selected glass shop to delay the process or they will ask unrelated questions to distract you and wear down your patience. These comments are not true, misleading and are unfair to the consumer.

In fact, the glass shop you choose probably warrants all work for life, provides the very best service, and abides by all manufacturer repair/replacement specifications. There simply is no reason why you cannot have your work performed byyour chosen glass shop for any insurance company. Networks 'steer' work to their own companies for their own benefit.........not YOUR best interest.......and remove the lawful choice of you, the consumer.

What Choices Do You Have WhenYour Insurance Covers Your Windshield Replacement?

Should I call my insurance first? - By Matt Bailey, 20/20 Auto Glass